Unlocking Your Inner Power:

Discovering and Harnessing Your Strengths for Parenting Success

Online Programs


Be Fierce Be Kind Program

I know you want to feel confident and in control of your parenting journey. This online program will help you be calmer and more connected to your children so that you can enjoy the season of parenting you are in, creating lasting, positive family memories and being the type of parent you are most proud to be.

This program is ideal for those that may have experienced an unexpected pregnancy, birthing or post-birth experience and at times struggle with feelings of overwhelm, guilt, resentment and/or anger. You will learn tools and strategies to manage these emotions and rise above the trap of comparison that leaves you feeling inadequate and stressed.

Empowered Parenting through my C.A.L.M Method


In the Be Fierce, Be Kind Program we will go over four modules that will help you get clear on how you to want to be as a parent, how to accept and make room for uncomfortable emotions and experiences for which you may have little or no control of, how to let go of beliefs that are holding you back, and how to act in a way that aligns with your personal values.


Love Rekindled: "Baby-Proofing" Your Relationship with Multiples

Did you know that the single most common factor that changes the dynamic of a couple and affects their relationship satisfaction is the birth of their first child?

Throw multiple babies into the mix and it is no surprise that many couples struggle to maintain their bond and intimacy. But what if there was a way to rekindle the love and connection you once had? We often spend a lot of time baby-proofing our home when our babies start crawling and walking. But what about baby-proofing your relationship?

If you are a soon- to-be or current parent of multiples and you want to maintain or strengthen the relationship you have with your partner, then come join me for this highly informative masterclass.


Breathe Easy: "Tapping" Away Birth Stress and Embracing Inner Calm

A guided relaxation exercise for a calmer, more relaxed birth.

Unlike anything else

The services I provide are designed exclusively for parents of multiples.

I understand the unique challenges and joys that come with parenting more than one baby and my programs are specifically designed to help you with your parenting journey. My approach is centered around nurturing you as a parent, helping you build confidence, and finding the balance you need to thrive in parenthood.

Personal growth

Becoming a parent to multiples is a transformative process.

As a parent of multiples, it's common to put your own needs on hold while prioritizing your children. Through my programs, I encourage you to explore your own desires, values, and aspirations. By reconnecting with yourself and identifying your unique strengths and passions, you can rediscover your own identity and gain a deeper understanding of who you are as an individual, beyond the role of a mother or father.


Tips for Expectant and Current Parents

If you want a holistic guide to preparing for multiples and some practical tips for dealing with stress, then my free guides are for you.


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